jQuery Image Gallery - Lightboxes - Slideshows

The best list for Image Gallary is here ! Create your Image Gallery using free solutions available on the Internet. This collection contains Ajax jQuery JavaScript gallery - Lightboxes Clones - Polaroid -  Slideshows -  Accordion and many more ...

1. slidesjs  -  jQuery slideshows gallery   - Demo

  2. s3Slider  -  jQuery slideshows gallery   - Demo

  3. Fancybox  -  jQuery lightbox clone gallery   - Demo

   4. Nivo Slider  -  jQuery slideshows gallery(Lite ver. free)   - Demo

5. jFlow Gallery  -  jQuery slideshows gallery - Demo

6. jQuery Lighbox  -  jQuery lightbox clone gallery - Demo

7. Pikachoose  -  jQuery lightweight slideshow gallery - Demo 

8. Jcoverflip  - jQuery coverflow style gallery - Demo 

9. TN3 Gallery  - jQuery slideshow image gallery(Lite ver. free) - Demo 

10. Moving Boxes  - jQuery slideshow image gallery - Demo 

11. liteAccordion  - jQuery horizontal accordion  gallery - Demo  

12. Galleria  - jQuery image gallery framework - Demo  

13. AD Gallery  -  jQuery lightweight slideshow gallery - Demo

14. Multimedia Gallery  -  jQuery gallery for images video and audio - Demo

15. Spacegallery  -  jQuery images gallery  - Demo

16. jShowOff  -  jQuery thumbnail and more image gallery  - Demo

17. Galleriffic  -  jQuery thumbnail rollover and slideshow crossfades  - Demo 

18. Supersized  -  jQuery fullscreen background slideshow  - Demo

19. Mosaic  -  jQuery images sliding boxes - captions & preloads   - Demo

20. Full Page Image Gallery  -  jQuery images Gallery   - Demo

21. jqFancyTransitions  -  jQuery slideshow gallery with fancy transition effects   - Demo

22. AnythingSlider  -  jQuery slideshow gallery    - Demo

23. Smooth Div Scroll  -  jQuery slideshow gallery  - Demo

24. Image Rotator  -  jQuery slideshow gallery tutorial  - Demo

25. Polaroid photo viewer  -  jQuery Polaroid gallery tutorial  - Demo

26. ZOOMIMAGE  -  jQuery image popup with drop shadow and border  - Demo

27. jQuery Virtual tours  -   jQuery simple panorame viewer , 360° Virtual Tour   - Demo
28. Easy Slider  -  jQuery slideshow gallery  - Demo

29. Shadowbox   -  lightbox clone gallery jQuery and more  - Demo

30. Dynamic Image Gallery and Slideshow    - Demo

31. NotesForLightBo  Unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page Demo

Ajax Loading Gif - Activity Indicators - Preloader

 Create easily your own ajax loader icon using free online tools that will generate an AJAX loading icons or use some sites which have a collection of it that are ready for download.

1. AJAXLOAD  -  Free Ajax loading gif generator (still in Beta)
options: Indicator type, background code,Transparent background and foreground code

2. PRELOADERS - Free AJAX  loading gif's 3 dimensional (3D) generator

options: Indicator type, background code, Transparent background, foreground code,
Reverse animation, Animation speed and custom Preloader size

3. LOADER GENERATORFree Ajax loading gif generator
options: Indicator type, background code, Transparent background, foreground code and
3 Preloader size 16×16, 24×24 and 48×48.

4. WEB SCRIPT LAD - Free Ajax Loading Gif Generato
options: Indicator type, background code, Transparent background, foreground code and 
Animation speed.

5. CHIMPLY - Free Image Generato (still in Beta)
options: Indicator type, background code, Transparent background, foreground code.

Best Online Free Compression Tool

Make your page faster increase loading speed and save on bandwidth. Reduced number of HTTP requests on your server when combining many javascript -css files into one compressed file, thus reducing the server load and allowing more visitors to access your website.

JavaScript :
JavaSript and CSS: